Virtual Graph Paper - News

Bug fixes

Version 0.4.1 of the desktop app is now available, including many small bug fixes and tweaks. Upgrading is recommended.

Library in Desktop App

The desktop app now supports the new library feature, for saving elements in a personal collection. You can choose to either use your online account, or a completely offline library (stored on your device).

More new features:

  • Text tool lets you choose horizontal alignment (left/center/right)
  • Interface font size can be changed in Setup dialog


There's a new library feature that lets you save elements in a personal collection, for simple reuse.

To try it, find the Save to Library in the Select tool menu, once you select one or more items. Saved items can then be added to your sketch via the Insert menu.

This feature is currently only available on the web app (and requires login). It will also be supported in the desktop app in an upcoming release

Bug fixes

Version 0.3.4 of the desktop app is now available, including many small bug fixes and performance tweaks. Upgrading is recommended.

Knife tool

New Knife tool for cutting shapes! Find it under the Select menu, here's a quick demo:

Also available in version 0.3.3 of the desktop app, together with several bug fixes.


I've added experimental support for printing. To try it, click the Print button on the right-hand menu.

Also available in version 0.3.2 of the desktop app. Users of the desktop app are encouraged to update, as this release contains several important bug fixes.

New Design and Winter Sale

Virtual Graph Paper has turned 3!

This is a great moment to introduce a slightly refreshed design and a winter sale.

During the month of December you can get 20% off on the desktop app, or on any VGP+ subscription plan
(use the coupon code DEC23 during checkout for subscriptions)

Shape manipulation

There's a new way to edit shapes after you've created them, by manipulating vertices:

To do that, first select a shape using the Select tool, and then start the Manipulate action.

Layer actions

There's a new menu available when right-clicking a layer in the layers panel.

On that menu you can find two new layer actions for merging and duplicating layers, and two existing actions for renaming a layer and for selection all elements in a layer.

Grouping elements

You can now combine multiple elements into groups, by first making a selection and then pressing the Group button (or Ungroup to undo).

This is also a step towards a bigger feature that's coming up soon: a personal library that makes it easier to reuse elements between sketches.

Image tool

Registered users can now add images to their online sketches, using the Insert tool. Also available in the desktop app version 0.2.0

This feature is released in an early form and will be further refined in future releases. For best results, use small images or resize before uploading.

Desktop and VGP+

Announcing two major updates to Virtual Graph Paper:

  • A desktop app, available for Windows, macOS and Linux
  • VGP+ plans for commercial and power users

Before we look at these new announcements, I'd like to discuss something that isn't news: Virtual Graph Paper was designed and built to be a free web service, available and accessible to a wide audience.

That isn't changing – there will always be a free version of Virtual Graph Paper, and for many users that might be sufficient.

With time however, users have expressed interest in features and use-cases that go above and beyond what is feasible within the context of a free app. To make these possible and to keep development sustainable in the future, I’m proposing two new paid options for those who would like to get more out of Virtual Graph Paper:

1. Desktop app

The desktop version offers the same VGP experience, but packaged as a downloadable app. The are several reasons to prefer the desktop app:

  • It works offline
  • It also supports online sketches
  • You can save your work in VGZ files, wherever you like
  • You can keep using an older version of the app, if you prefer that
  • Doesn’t even require an account

Moreover, in the future the desktop app might receive new features that will be hard to support in the browser.

2. VGP+

VGP+ is the name of the new paid subscription plan that comes in two flavors: Home and Commercial.

These plans provide additional storage space, and are intended for users that make heavy use of online sketches or require better support and backups. With VGP+ you can continue using Virtual Graph Paper as you always have, and your financial support will help cover maintenance and development costs.

And on top of that, VGP+ grants you access to the desktop app as well!

For more information, pricing and purchase links click here, or head over to your account settings.

These developments have been months in the making. I’m happy to share them with you and hope you will find them appealing. As always, feel free to reach out with questions, feedback and suggestions.

More layers

The max amount of layers was increased from 4 to 20. Please note that using many layers currently results in reduced performance.

Clipboard support

I've added support for copying and pasting elements between sketches, using the Select tool and the standard Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V keyboard shortcuts (or ⌘-C, ⌘-V on macOS).

Please note that it is not currently possible to copy things from or to other applications, but only within Virtual Graph Paper.

New version

I've spent the past few months rewriting major parts of VGP to make it perform better on a wider range of devices and browsers. These changes are now finally live, which means you might encounter new bugs or weird behaviour (but if all goes well, you shouldn't notice much).

If you do run into issues, it would help me a lot if you report them.

Sketch recovery

When working on online sketches, it should now be possible to go back ~15 minutes by clicking the load previous version button on the account home page.

Freehand tool

I've added a new Freehand tool that let's you draw freely with your mouse, a stylus or a finger on touch-enabled devices:

Grid Colors

It's now possible to customize the grid colors in the Setup dialog:

Discussion board

I've been having some great interactions with users over e-mail*, and I decided to experiment with hosting a discussion board for the app.
To join the board, you can log in with your existing account, but you may be asked to choose a new username.

You can use the boards to ask questions or make suggestions for the app. And there's also a place to share your creations if you like to!

* E-mail is, alas, not perfect and sometimes I'm unable to reply to messages because of technical issues. If you never heard back from me that's probably why.

Go to coordinate

You can now press Ctrl-G to center your view at a given XY coordinate:

Splice tool

You can now use the Splice action of the Select tool to split a shape into separate segments: